Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 21 - Expiration Dates

How much attention do you pay to expiration dates on your food? I ran across people that really don't pay much attention. They are very loose when it comes to those dates and they ink out several more days before they dispose of the food in question.

Me? I am ANAL about expiration dates. I stalk my eggs and milk relentlessly making sure I don't ingest those items after that all important date inked on the carton. I'm no fool. If any item is in my refrigerator past its date I act like I am with the CDC coming in contact with hazardous materials. I put on my mask, my goggles, my hazmat suite and gloves to dispose of the offending item.

Yeah, I'm a freak like that.

6 People saying stuff:

Debbie said...

I've really gotten much more flexible about it over the years. I used to need the suit just like you:)

Karyn Beach said...

Be sure to remember that there are also expiration dates on canned foods as well as dry goods (rice, cereal...). I was good about the things in my refrigerator but recently I completely reorganized my kitchen (I'm anal like you too T) and for the first time I took at the expiration dates on EVERYTHING and I was surprised at how many items in my pantry were expired. Now, I look for expiration dates on all of my food items!

La Cremiere said...

anal - yeah definitely - but we all are ! hahaha.

Remember that for some foods they HAVE to put expiration dates, no matter how unnecessary it is. Imagine for a second one of those disaster scenarios (quake/aliens/zombies/end of the world/disease outbreak) where you end up stranded in your home - rare survivor - you would not give a damn about expiration dates then and you'd ration these rotting slices of ham - okay maybe not that bad - but just think about it... :)

Senorita said...

I will let something sit until 7 days after the expiration date. Of course I also give it the sniff test to make sure it's still good.

Jeni said...

Are you sure you aren't my older daughter in disguise? She gets very anal about expiration dates -I have no clue where she got THAT from as I pay little to no attention to those things. I go by smell, other things too -like moss or penicillin mold growing on containers in the refrigerator and then toss the stuff out. But in all honesty, most things just don't last all that long in this house to worry about the expiration dates. Oh, and Happy New Year to THE DIVA!

kauz haurn said...

great articles. i enjoyed reading this articles. thank you for sharing