Oh I remember my arch enemy very well. Her name was Lisa and we were 10 years old and in the 5th grade together. I couldn't stand that girl. She made my life hell. She thought she was better then me and all I wanted to do was punch her in the face but I wasn't the violent type.
One day she decided she wanted to pick a fight with me. All day she kept saying little rude and nasty things and I just ignored her. I had on a dress that day and I was being a lady.
When school was out and I was walking to the car to go home she and her little groupies followed me all the way through the school yard to where the smaller kids were where I was to meet my little sister. She was still yammering in my ear and all I kept thinking was that I was wearing a dress and I didn't want to fight her at that moment but I was truly tempted.
The year before I fought a girl by the name of Olivia Logan and whupped her ass. Lisa's little cronies began saying to her that maybe she should leave me alone because I did beat up Olivia. I think she came to her senses because she did eventually back off.
The next day at school I made sure I wore pants so that I could kick Lisa's ass but she never said anything to me. She didn't so much as glance in my direction that whole day. I was a little disappointed though because I actually wanted to fight her. Yeah, I was a feisty little 10 year old.
Lisa, if you are reading this now I am wearing pants today. What's up?
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