Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 30 - What is Changing in Your Life

Wow! I can't believe that today is the last day of my 30 day challenge. Woohoo! So today's challenge is to describe what is changing in my life.

If you follow my blog with any regularity you kinda already know. I am in the process of making my big move from Baltimore to Atlanta. In four weeks to be exact! This is the biggest thing I've ever done and I'm excited, nervous and overwhelmed at the same time. Although I have all of these emotions I am still pushing through because I know in my heart this needs to happen. I can not let nervousness and fear stop me from moving on to the next chapter in my life. I think that is where many people get stuck and block their blessings. They are too afraid to move on to something new and different because they are unsure of the future or the outcome and that is uncomfortable. My thing is God lets us know all the time what we should and shouldn't do, it's those unexplained feelings in the pit of your stomach or that little voice in your head. He is moving you to position you for the blessings he's ready to bestow upon you but you are too afraid of the unknown of the change to make that move and your blessings are blocked at that point because you are not where you need to be.

I am not one to let fear and discomfort stop me from doing what I know I need to do. It's very fearful and uncomfortable leaving your home that you've built your entire life, giving up your surroundings and family and friends and strike out on your own hundreds of miles away from everything you've ever known.

Now don't get me wrong, I haven't always been this actualized. There were times in my life when I let the fear over take me and I didn't make necessary changes but as I grew I came to realize I was blocking my own blessings and to trust that little voice in my head, my intuition because that is God's way of communicating to me what he wants from me. So now I listen.

I don't know what my employment situation will be once I land in Atlanta. I will tell my boss on Monday what my plans are and let the chips fall where they may but I am confident that whatever happens it will all work out. I am open and receptive to whatever is to come.

I am excited about this new chapter in my life and I am looking forward to all of it.

So what's changing in my life? Everything and I can't wait.

12 People saying stuff:

Red Shoes said...

I think that Change is always all around us. If we are observant enough, we can pick up on that opportunity and move forward with it... and if not, we don't...

Good luck with your upcoming move!


Queen-Size funny bone said...

I am often afraid of making changes only because anything that would change my life would effect many others and I'm not sure that is fair.

Patricia said...

Hey good for you! I did that once and it was beyond liberating...there wasn't an ounce of me that regretted it. Stay the course and you will succeed!

Freckle Face Girl said...

I think I've always been too open to change.... LOVE IT! Anyway, best of luck to you!

Sandi McBride said...

And Hotlanta will welcome you with open arms... as you travel through my old stomping grounds, I'm sure I'll feel you breeze by!

Jeni said...

Even though I follow your blog and have been reading as you have made plans for this big move, I didn't realize it was this close! WOW!! I really admire your spunkiness in taking these steps and making things come together. I moved from my home here in PA to Baltimore about 2 months after I graduated from college (keep in mind I didn't get my degree till I was 50 years old) but I had found a job first, then moved. Plus for the year I worked there, I also kept working at my part-time job on weekends back home in PA -a 4 hour drive, one way every weekend for a year! That got really old and then, things happened within my family that kind of necessitated I move back to PA so that was the end of my great Baltimore adventure!

imbeingheldhostage said...

You are so brave! This must be an invigorating time for you, I sincerely wish you the very best!!
I can't wait to hear your take on Atlanta now :-)

Andrea said...
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Andrea said...

Wow. You are making such a bold move and I'm sure people have pointed out to you many times how risky doing something like this is in a time like this--Ignore those people! ;) I found my spirit getting so excited reading this post because I did the exact same thing you are doing--twice actually! In 2006, I made a move (only for the summer) to Miami to pursue an internship. It was unpaid and I didn't know a soul in the entire state, let alone in Miami. I just went for it and like you said, let the chips fall where they may, and fall exactly in place they did! I managed to find a part-time gig to off-set the fact that my internship was unpaid, met some incredible people, and had the best summer of my life. The second time was in 2008 when I took the leap to move to Charlotte.I did have my sister here so I was lucky to at least have somewhere to stay until I found a job, but the situation was the same. New city, away from everything I knew, no job,etc. and the real kicker is, I'd never even set foot in Charlotte before I moved! Long story short--it was the absolute BEST decision I ever made in my life and looking back, I now see all the little things I never noticed before that God had lined up to get me here, and while I thought I was making the decision and determining my own destiny, I now see He was behind it all along. I say ALL of this to say (sorry for the long comment) that I have 100% faith this will happen for you too. Maybe you'll get to Atlanta and wonder why you didn't move there sooner (which is hopefully the case) or maybe you won't, but the bottom line is, you'll never regret having taken the chance! I'm so glad you linked to your blog and I can't wait to read along as everything unfolds for you!Good luck, girl! :)

P.S. I particularly loved this line: "I think that is where many people get stuck and block their blessings. They are too afraid to move on to something new and different because they are unsure of the future or the outcome and that is uncomfortable." <---oh, so true and I couldn't have needed to hear this more right now!

Senorita said...

Good luck with the move. This is so amazing ! I can't wait to hear about the new chapters in your life. said...

Girl, you know I just did that when I moved from what I knew all my life - California to Oregon. I didn't know anyone in Oregon other than my younger cousin. I had never even been to Oregon until two weeks prior to moving.

The move and the guts and strength and courage it took to move was and still is exhilarating. It will be that way for you as well. I just know that some great adventures are on their way. Don't rethink what you are doing. If it feels good...just do it.

Caz Wilson said...

Good luck with your move Tee, I think change is invigorating and I've never been one to shy away from it and I know Atlanta will work out!
