Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Need To Sit Down!

Usually, I do not get all political on my blog because this is my happy place and politics have no place here but when I see the level of fuckery that I see now I must say something.

Will someone please tell Donald Trump to sit his ass down. Really. Just because you run a multi million dollar conglomerate does not mean you have the wherewithall to run an entire country. What makes you think you have the diplomacy to balance the ever volatile foreign policy for example?

All "The Donald" knows how to do is fire people and pick media fights with folks, i.e. Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Cosby and Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld? Really? Who fights with Jerry?

Donald, come here for a minute, listen closely, you can not issue poison pen letters and engage in verbal wars with everyone that disagrees with you.

And another thing, why the hell are you so focused on seeing and then disputing our current president's birth certificate? This "birthergate" is asinine and ridiculous.

Donald, go sit down somewhere please.

9 People saying stuff:

Jeni said...

For all his money, I think he is perhaps one of the most uncouth individuals ever. The hair is ridiculous and did you ever notice how his lips just purse together in a kind of strange fashion when he speaks. And speaking of when he speaks....Well, guess you get the drift that he's definitely not on my list of favorites, for sure so to your post, I say AMEN and AMEN again! Wish he'd just go away!

Stacy said...

As president, it would be a question of when, not if, he caused an international incident with that big mouth.

Red Shoes said...

I dunno... my recollection is that Hillary Clinton, now Secretary of State, was one of the initial 'Birthers'...

I don't understand why the President didn't just go ahead and submit it several years ago... and none of this would be happening.

The President says that he hasn't time for this Tom Foolery (and I agree) but he's in Chicago filming an episode for Oprah.

For all of the hope I had, I am disappointed...

As for The Donald ever being president, I just don't see that happening.

Blah... back to shenanigans...


Queen-Size funny bone said...

He must be bored. lol

Queen-Size funny bone said...

He must be bored. lol

Karen said...

I am so happy that Obama finally released birth cert. today. The original document wouldn't be enough to a driver's license in 48 states! I never doubted that he was born in HI, but why didn't shut up the idiots right away.

And I agree, Donald Trump is a tool.

Anonymous said...


donald trump trips me out. He really thinks he is a shotcaller. I really wish Obama had waited a bit longer before pulling out a copy of his birth certificate. He just gave that pompous idiot more gas.

Have you heard some of the things he said he will do if he becomes president? First up, bomb China.

what an idiot.

Debbie said...

Amen! I love this!

Anonymous said...

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