Thursday, April 14, 2011

You Take Too Much Time

I have never watched Celebrity Apprentice before. It just seemed boring to me so I never watched, until this season. With the drama between Star Jones and Nene Leaks you know I had to watch to see how it all went down.

The thing I like about Celebrity Apprentice is that everything happens in one night. The competition and the elimination all happen in one night. There is no watching the competition one night then tuning in the next night to see who gets booted. No, its all done in one night and you know what? I love it!!! I love having everything finished in one night.

I love American Idol and Dancing With The Stars but this whole thing with watching the competition one night then tuning in the next night to see who gets offed is a pain in the ass. It's not a good use of my time. So now I'm taking four days to watch two shows. That's not right.

There is no reason AI and DWTS can't have the competition then have the judges off someone that night. Come on people! I have other shows to watch. It's called time management here.

I think I am going to start a petition to have AI and DWTS handle their business on one night. No more of this results night crap.

10 People saying stuff:

Julie D said...

Totally with you on that. Get it over with in one episode!!!!'

In a related story, Gary Busey is a frickin whack job.

Red Shoes said...

LMAO @ Julie...

Gary Busey is an IDIOT!!!!


Jeni said...

I have never followed any of the reality shows on tv -just no interest in any of them and especially not Celebrity Apprentice mainly because I just can't take that much of "The Donald" -who is NOT my favorite individual in any respect. More power to those who can watch him or all the other reality series.

Tonya said...

your funny. I got hooked on CA a few weeks back and now I just want to watch to see them fire Gary Busey. Never really watched the other shows...

Caz Wilson said...

Completely agree, 1 night please not 2.

You'll love X-factor when it gets here, it's heaps better than AI... Oh but in the uk it was 2 shows on separate nights, wonder what they'll do here.


Ami said...

TIVO. Or whatever brand you got.
Or just don't watch. Which is what we do. We don't watch.

We used ours to watch 2 weeks of Olympic coverage in about six hours.

We skipped the men's combined silverware washing and basket weaving.

AND everything Boob Costas had to say.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Good point! The similar shows over here do the voting and elimination in the same night. There's a break between the shows, and when the second comes on they announce that voting is now closed. By the end of that half hour, we know who is going home.
I record the American ones now and fast forward through the commercials, some of the performances (I can't vote anyway) and ALL of the judges comments. Quick viewing for me :-)

CC Solomon said...

Agreed. It's possible, So You Think You Can Dance and America's Best Dance Crew do it and they have America voting on their shows too. I never watch the AI result show (I think it comes on the same time as Grey's Anatomy or Vampire Diaries so its not happening).

Ebone' said...
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Ebone' said...

I'm not really into AI or DWTS, but I love the apprentice! I cannot wait until next week. NeNe is losing patience and is about to get buck with everyone!