Saturday, June 11, 2011

Put Down The Damn Phone!

OK, so I went to dinner last night with a group of people. When I got to the restaurant I, unfortunately, had to sit next to this really young girl. She said absolutely nothing the entire evening. From the time I walked in until we all left this chick was buried in her phone. She didn't put that phone down for one minute.

People, let me ask you; when did it become acceptable to go out for an evening and spend the entire time playing with your phone?

I became so annoyed with her it was unreal. If all you wanted to do was play with your phone then you should have kept you butt at home. It is incredibly rude to sit at a table for dinner with people and ignore them and play with your phone all night. It's rude and not acceptable.

How did we get to this point? I know with facebook and Twitter and email at our fingertips that it's become extremely easy but how did we become a society of people too busy playing with phones and gadgets that they can't engage in real human interaction when we are in a room full of people?

14 People saying stuff:

Ami said...

Really is sort of weird, isn't it?
My phone goes everywhere with me, but even now that I'm texting (yes, I am always years behind the latest trends) I don't ignore real people to do so. And it would be terrible manners to go out and text all night.

Rude rude rude.

Mad Woman behind the Blog said...

Ugh, this is what happens when social mores don't keep up with technology.
5 YEARS ago, I was at dinner w/ 2 friends, friends I see once every 6 months or so and the two of them, texting on their phones during dinner. I was livid and yet, I kept my mouth shut.
Kicking myself now!

So, I feel your pain, girlfriend.

Karen said...

It is rude...but I do it all the time. In fact, my boyfriend and I text each other when we are both at the same party or event just to get exchange a few words in private. I honestly think that the technology has forever changed the way we relate to one another as a society. We can multi-task and be present in the moment and present on the web at the same time.

Tonya said...

I'm sorry I think it is extremely rude and I completely disagree with your last commenter that you can be on the web and present at the same time. I don't even answer my phone if someone calls me and I'm with people. It's called being polite. I'm not even that old and it disgusts me how rude people are. I've been at people's house where they were so busy texting someone that I said well if you're busy I'll just leave. They put their phone away. I think they got the point...I was there to spend time with them not watch them text someone else. UGH. Sorry this is a real pet peeve of mine and one of the main reasons I REFUSE to get texting added to my phone. :)

Elisa @ Crazy, Amazing Life said...

I completely agree! That is beyond rude.

Red Shoes said...

This is the reason I have a cow in class (not literally) when students have their cell phones out on their desks... they will play on them...

They opt for cyber-society over real-society. Kinda like the Weiner fellow... he has what appears to be a totally beautiful wife (as of right now)... and he's out cybering with other women.


Catherine said...

OH THIS PISSES ME OFF. I had a former friend spend all night texting another friend, "I'm so bored." "I'm being ignored." etc etc WHILE SHE WAS ON HER PHONE ALL NIGHT. Just put down the phone and talk like a normal person!!!

B said...

I don't get it either. I was out for a Happy Hour Friday and checked my phone maybe 3 times in the 7 hours (Yay for getting home at 1:30am!). I don't get why you'd go out and be rude the entire time! Ugh. I hate it!

CC Solomon said...

I think its sad. I've never been a big tech person (I still have a side kick) so when I ride the subway to work each day and see everyone buried in technology and not aware of their surroundings it just seems so cold. and don't get me started on folks who can't take the blue tooth off their ear (even at work). Its crazy.

Julie D said...

I know, drive me insane.

But then, I tend to play with mine a lot out of boredom too. LOL

Stacy said...

I lived with that for a few years with my daughter. Even my son's wife who is obviously way younger than me once suggested we cut off one of my daughter's hands and replace it with the phone. When we wanted to punish her we took the phone. I can't imagine withdrawal from drugs is any worse than her withdrawal from the phone. Sheesh! She isn't as bad now, but if the thing rings or signals a might as well stop talking because she's stopped listening. I asked once why she texts so much when she can just call and talk. Answer? It's easier to text. Really? I find it a royal pain to hit the right tiny button.

Freckle Face Girl said...

I agree that it is rude. It is also quite sad & socially debilitating to that entire generation and anyone who is addicted to their phone. said...

That is such a pet peeve of mine too. No more real human connections without the phone getting in the way!

catscratch said...

Since I really have no life outside of the office, I'll comment to annoying cell phone use there...

There is a chicky I work with that has her damn phone out all the time. Texing. Calling. Getting calls.

Christ All Mighty! Put the phone up!! I'm working non-stop 55 hours a week just to barely keep up and she's to have a full time job tending to her damn ringtones.

I feel your pain.