Monday, September 26, 2011

It's Not You, It's Me!

I was watching a TV show today and one character was conflicted on the proper way to break up with his girlfriend. When they first were together he broke up with her on her voicemail. They got back together and he wanted to break up with her again but didn't want to do it again over voicemail because that would just be wrong and that got me to thinking, what is the best way to break up with someone? This characters friends were trying to convince him that doing the deed in person was the only way to go.

I also got to thinking over past breakups I had and how they were handled and I realized I never had the "break up conversation". Ever. The way my relationships ended were either because we argued and just never called each other or we just decided to not return calls and it just stopped being. I get bored with you, no call back to you. You tick me off, no phone calls back to you, don't hold the door open for me, no phone calls back to you. Done! After a couple of weeks of no phone calls the message is quite clear at that point.

Hell, does anyone really have that breakup conversation or do you wuss out like me and just stop calling?

10 People saying stuff:

Trooper Thorn said...

Try suggesting a "three-way" to see if they will break up with you.

B said...

I think it all depends on the length of the relationship. If it's only been a few weeks, I think just cutting off contact is fine. I think if it's been a long relationship, it should be handled in person.

Red Shoes said...

The last time I got dumped, she told me that she didn't love me... right after sex... bitch...



Tonya said...

you are too funny!

Just telling it like it is said...

I am a chicken...I hate long draw-out breakups

megabrooke said...

i hate the breakup conversations, and unfortunately i've had two. i was on the breaking up with the other person end, and though some may think that's the easier side to be on, at least for one relationship, it was the hardest.

CC Solomon said...

I have the inperson conversation. I think it might build bad karma if I don't but that's just me. However, if its just someone I'm dating for the past few weeks then a phone call would be fine.

The Dish said...

Jeebus, it has been so long since I had a breakup I wouldn't even know how to handle it. I would break out in hives and hyperventilate...

I agree with B. Ithink I depends on the length and the seru=iousness of the relationship.

Also, last but not least, Hi! Long time no see! Did you miss me?

Elisa @ Crazy, Amazing Life said...

Those are both gorgeous! I love high heels, but I seem to be going through a klutzy phase so I am sticking to low heels are flats for the most part for the time being ;-)

Elisa @ Crazy, Amazing Life said...

whoops, commented on the wrong post *blush*