Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Don't Want to Talk To Your Kid

Hello Bloghearts. I hope all is well. I just got off of the telephone with one of my closest friends. I'll call her Hyper. Hyper and I have been friends for more the 30 years. I love her, I really do.

Hyper has a 4 year old son. Every time she and I speak on the phone she has to put the little guy on the phone. I hate when she does that. She'll put him on the phone and you can hear her in the background, "Say hi. Say hi to Aunt Diva." Silence. He just totally sits there holding the phone saying absolutely nothing. It's very awkward and annoying. I find myself yelling into the receiver, "Hey honey. How are you? Hey honey. You there?" I don't call there to talk to her son and try to get him to speak. I can feel brain cells dying every mili-second that goes by.

People, I love kids, I really do. I want to just squeeze them every time I am around them but I really don't want to talk to them on the phone.

Why do people like putting their kids on the phone? Better yet, why do people think that I want to talk to the little buggers?

Diva loves the kids.

7 People saying stuff:

sunshinestar110 said...

I hate that!!!! omg if i want to talk to your kid i'll ask and if you know he/she will never speak on the phone stop forcing me and them into!

Tonya said...

haha I only let me kids talk on the phone if they know the person in real life and they ask to talk I ask the person on the other end if they want to talk to which ever kid. But that is MY time on the phone so I really don't like my kids talking to who ever is on the phone!!!

Freckle Face Girl said...

She is crazy. My kids talk & I think it is agonizing to listen to them say the most boring stuff that pops into their heads when they are on the phone. I even limit the time I talk to them on the phone when they are at their dad's house. Waste of time!!!

Jeni said...

I already know better than to hand the telephone to my grandkids -especially to Miss Maya -because, unlike her Mother, she has a total aversion to the telephone! Annoying as what you described though can be, something I find even more annoying is one friend of mine -an older lady bordering on age 70 now -who frequently confuses the Hell out of me by interspersing our conversation with comments to her DOG! I don't need any help in getting confused and sure don't need it because someone persists in talking to her mutt while trying to talk to me on the phone!

dmarks said...

They should put their kids on the text for you instead, so you can text back at your leisure.

Sandi McBride said...

I agree with your choices!
Sandi said...

I so relate to this one. I especially hate it when the parent is in the background telling them what to say. What's the point of trying to talk to the kid when the parent is telling them what to say?