How many of you remember your first day of school? Kindergarten? First grade? Pre school? I never attended pre school or kindergarten. My mother thought I was too small to be allowed to go to school. Not over protective at all was she, huh? Forget that I was old enough and smart enough to attend school with all my young peers, I was left at home simply because I was "too small". Whatever. lol
Anyway, now I am 5 years old and HAVE to go to school so now it's the first day and my mother gets me all dressed and looking simply adorable and ushers me into the car and off we go.
Mind you, I have no idea what to expect this day. I'm just following instructions. We arrive at this strange large building with a million doors and windows. We were led into the auditorium with all the other kids and parents. After we find a seat my mother leaves to go home. WTF? She told me before she left to listen out for my name and follow the nice lady that calls it. Fine. I can do that. I sat in that auditorium for hours and never once heard my name.
After all the other kids had been called by their new teachers and they were off to their classes I still sat in that auditorium ....waiting. One really sweet lady with a very kind looking face approached me to figure out where I needed to be and get me there. "Hey honey, what's your name"
"Diva." I answered (Yeah...that's what I
"Well honey, do you know your teachers' name?"
"OK, follow me. Do you remember who your kindergarten teacher was?"
"No." I responded still not fully understanding what was happening.
So, in her attempt to locate my proper home we visit every kindergarten teacher to see if either of them recognized me which of course no one did. I follow her back to the office and she instructs me to have a seat just outside the door while see tries to figure this out. A moment later she comes out of her office and exclaims, "I found where you need to go. You are in Ms. Bass class. Come with me sweetheart." So off we go again in search of my home and once we arrived at Ms. Bass's class there I found my place. I was happy to belong somewhere.
Well the remainder of the day goes just fine as expected, the school bell rings and FREEDOM. We are dismissed to go home. We all run for the door and search for the familiar faces of our parents. Everyone seemed to have had a waiting parent to whisk them home.....except me. I looked and looked. No mom. I walk through the school yard toward the sidewalk, look down the street, then up the street, no mom. OK by now I begin to worry just a little. I started to feel my mom had forgotten about me.
I turn around and walk back to the stairs of the building where my class had just let out and sit on the steps, just waiting. I remember fighting back tears and feelings of abandonment began to wash over me.
My teacher opened the door, stepped out, ready to make her way home for the day and sees me sitting there. "Hey sweetie, your mom isn't here?" she says as she shuts the buildings' door behind her.
"No" I ink out between sniffles.
"Well I'm sure she'll be here, We'll just sit here for a minute and wait for her." And then this wonderful woman sat next to me on the stairs and attempted to distract me. Just then I heard a screeching of car tires, I look up and see my mothers car barreling down the street and then coming to a screeching halt right in front of the school. I had never been so glad to see that woman in my life.
I said good by to my angelic teacher, jumped off the steps and ran to the car. I get in and she begins to explain how the school let out early and she had no idea until later and she was so sorry.
That was my first day of school...just like any other first day. Do you rememeber your first day?

Labels: craziness, insanity