Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Do You Tell?

Let's say that there is someone at your job or church or gym or where ever and you are interested in this person. What do you do? Do you throw subtle hints and hope they catch them? Do you come right out and ask them out? Or do you just leave it alone and let your insecurities get the best of you?

It's not easy by any means to put yourself out there and let someone know you have an interest in them. Especially if you have to see this person everyday. It can be disastrous. Think about it. You are at work or church, you see this person and think to yourself you would love to go out with them. You move close to them hoping to get their attention. For a woman you smile and hope that's enough the get them to ask you out. If you are a guy then you hope she smiles at you when you look at her so that you have an "in". You ask her out and she says no, she'd rather have every hair on her head ripped out one by one. SCREECH! What do you do. Skulk back to your cubicle or pew? What do you do when you see them next time, nod your head or act as if you don't see them?

Geesh! It's enough to make your head swim.

Me personally, I am going to take this opportunity to tell my crush just how I feel. Uuumm, George, can you hear me? Good, I just wanted to say that I love you and I am here for you. I am so much better for you then that Elisabetta chick. Call me and we can go to a movie or something. I make good pasta. :)

9 People saying stuff:

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Since I work in a totally male-staffed railroad, I'd certainly get some odd looks...

But it's also been a strict rule with me, and I never, ever break this one: "Never, ever fish off the company pier"

JStar said...

I agree with Tom...I learned my lesson the hardway...I DONT date, sleep with or anything of that nature with ANYONE at my job..Even if they are in a diff bldg, location or department...Because when shi goes south...You still have to see them...Not good...Church is kinda the same way but at my church we have diff services we can go to...Dont play with me I will switch my services up lol..

But funny that you mention this...There is this guy at my church....OMG he is so attractive to me...I have been looking at him for TWO YEARS...Other than friendly hello's and sitting either next to or in front or behind each other...nothing...He ALWAYS come alone...He is very nice looking but the fact that he praises God just is more attractive and irresistible... But I will NEVER say anything because I cant be rejected and see him in

Red Shoes said...

Hmmm... I dunno... I'm either retarded or slow or something... I never have seemed to be able to pick up on the more subtle signals that women have sent my way... and in the past, there have been some that I have DEFINITELY and OBVIOUSLY missed!!!!

And like what JStar says, I've a great fear of rejection... not good...


Freckle Face Girl said...

I always assume people/guys are just being polite or friendly. Someone has to practically slap me across the face to let me know they are interested. Sad...

Anyway, I think I would just be polite and hope for the best...

Senorita said...


Good luck and keep us posted on how this goes ! said...

Seein' as I'm on the market again, I've got the jitters about dating and all of that. It would have to be the perfect one for me to want to approach first. Let me know if you hear from George.

Jeni said...

All I can say here is I'd have a whole lot more difficulty approaching someone in church or at work and getting acquainted, possibly up close and personal too, than I would if that person just happened to be George! I'd fall all over myself to tell him how wonderful and fascinating an old fart I am!

imbeingheldhostage said...

George, The Diva is way too busy with her new pole dancing career but I am here for you!

Lys said...

Good taste in crushes, Tee!