Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Is Too Young?

Last weekend my niece had her over the top "Super Sweet 16"ish Sweet 16 birthday party. She was every bit of the little princess she was raised to be. My youngest brother brought his two daughters and our cousins' oldest son to the party as well. My cousins' son is a young 16 year old boy so he was in his element.

When you first meet this boy you would think he is the sweetest, nicest, shyest kid you'd ever met and in actuality that does describe him. As I was talking to this kid I looked at his arms and realized he had these massive tattoos running up and down both arms. I asked him, "Does your father know about this?" "No." He responds. "Ooohh, I'm gonna tell! I'mma tell your father." I said He laughed. Apparently he received those tats a year previous when he was 15.

Fast forward a week later and I just happened to run into his grandparents yesterday. I replayed this story to them. My aunt (his grandmother) told me that the boys mother also allowed her 12 year old daughter to get a tat. WHAT!!

I kept saying "12!" over and over again. What person in their right mind would allow a 15 year old and a 12 year old to get a tattoo?

Is it appropriate for a 15 and 12 year old to receive tattoos?

28 People saying stuff:

dmarks said...

I guess it is never too young to start on a "biker gang" or "always in and out of prison" lifestyle. Or the look of it, anyway.

Nelia said...

My first reaction is "hell no." But I've gotta have something more than a knee jerk reaction. "A 12 year old is too young to know what they want?" That seems insulting rather than empowering. "Whose paying for it?" Unfortunately, tattoos aren't incredibly expensive and a 12 year old could probably save enough dollar bills to make it happen. "There are some decisions that you just can't make until your 18?" 18 is just an arbitrary number that doesn't take into consideration the kid unique maturity level.

Other thoughts? When that day comes, I want to be fully equipped!

Dora said...

No! No! No! 12 and 15 year olds are not mature enough to make these kind of decisions and that is why tattoo parlors won't do tattoos without a parent's permission.....and some won't do it even then.

When my kids asked to get an ear pierced or a tattoo, I said they could do whatever they wanted when they were 18. When my oldest son reached 18, he thanked me that I didn't allow him to get a tattoo, because now he doesn't want one, nor does he like the thought of one on him. He's changed from that 14 year old boy that wanted to look cool and fit in.

Hit 40 said...

Oh!! dmarks is funny! LMAO biker gang!! And, Dora said it best...

at 14 or definitely 12 - the kids do not know what they want. I thought I was cool taking my boys to an oldies concert this week!!

I think I'll link back to this story next week in a post!!

Noelle said...

What mother wouldn't want to get a tattoo for their 12 year old daughter? One who's not on crack, to begin with. I won't even let a 12 year old babysit my kids - why would they be competent to make a permanent decision like whether to get a tattoo?. 15? Still too young, especially for large tattoos in places that aren't covered by normal clothing. Maybe I could see if the kid was really mature for their age, had wanted a tattoo since age 5, and the tattoo was very small and well hidden. I know even at 18, I was still a total moron who made dumb, rash decisions. Maybe they should base it on the kid's responsibility level, like if they work full time or something then they are old enough?

laughing said...
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Karen said...

That mother should seriously undergo some psychological testing. There is no way in hell a fit parent could allow a 12 year old child to get a tattoo. Even 15 is outrageous!! There are some sick people out there.

Season said...

I think it is insane to let your child get a tattoo under the age of 18. Even at 18 I would be apprehensive. I have a tattoo I got at 19 and hate it!! Getting a tattoo is permanent. Even if you pay for laser surgery you can still see the scar of the tattoo. No way would I ever let my child do that.

Mike said...

I think it's way to young in my book. They still have no idea what the term "forever" means.

The Dish said...

I have 4 tattoos total. I got 3 of them when I was 18 and there is only 1 of them that I do not regret the tattoo itself or the placement.

12 years old? That is some crazy shit right there. Never in a million years would my Mother have allowed. Nor, if I ever decide to adopt, will their 12 or 15 year old little butts be getting ink. That is freaking bat shit crazy.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

my 19 year old just got one and i thought that was young. i wish he had waited a few more years.

CarmenSinCity said...

Wow! That is young!

DG said...

Really?!?! This just blows me away. I can only imagine my life now if I had gotten the tattoo of my dreams at 12 or even so would have been something New Kids on the Block, 90210, Warren G, a picture of a Game Boy or a pager...seriously...I can only imagine what I would have done, that is just silly. They have their whole lives to do stuff like that when they are older (and much more mature)!!!

Jeni said...

OK, call me an old fuddy-duddy, a square. whatever derogatory comment you can think of but my vote here is not just a plain and simple, "No" but a big fat HELL NO!
Personally I hate tattoos and all kinds of extra piercings -ears, eyebrows, nose, lips, tongue -you name it, I hate 'em. Pierced ears -one set of piercings at that -is my limit! Thankfully, neither of my daughters has or wants a tattoo, neither has more than one set of ear piercings too. My son though does have a tattoo and a ring in his nipple as well. What he was thinking of when he had that done, besides how soon he'd be able to go have another beer, is beyond me. The step-granddaughter who is 17 is sporting a tiny piercing by her nose -which I hate -and which her mother allowed her to get while she was living with her bio-Mom who is a total moran and nut-case! Kids don't realize the impact these things might have for them in later life -job hunting and such -and for that matter, a lot of adults don't seem to realize that either. For myself though, as much as I hate needles unless it is an absolute necessity, no fears of me ever getting a tat, piercing, whatever!

Tonya said...

those are forever. My hubby had them so I can't say my kids will never get them but not until they our 18 or out of our house!!!

Mocha Dad said...

It is definitely inapproriate for children that young to get tattoos. It also bothers me when I see little boys wearing earrings. They are not mature enough to make these choices.

B said...

Can I get a big ass hell no? You should share with them my pictures from my tattoo removal and the price! I mean, WTF?! 12?!

Someone mentioned tattoos not being expensive which can be far from the truth. I have one that cost $170. I know people that have spent hundreds on tattoos.

We're not talking about a crazy hair cut or getting an ear pierced...this is something that in most cases is forever.

Anonymous said...

THAT is too young :s Big time.

Terri said...

I think we are pretty much in agreement. Smack that mom upside the head, what was she thinking? Way too young.

1/3 said...

not at one under 18 should be able to get a tatto...when they get older they are gonna hate them!!! i have so many friends who wish they havent gotten certain tattos..

*Tanyetta* said...

NO!!!!!! My daughter (age 21) got her first tat last year and I wanted to cry. :)

Liam said...

I think I'm very lucky. I have never liked tatoos. So years from now there will be no regrets.

Chari said...

12!? What the heck??

Ryane said...

I'm so late to this conversation but...No, No and No!

I don't know any 12 (or 15) year old who is self-possessed enough to accept the responsibility that is a tattoo. They are forever. I don't care what anyone says: removal isn't a guarantee and once the ink is there, it's there. (I have two myself, one very large, and got both in my 20's, so I swear I'm not just up on my soapbox, being mouthy!! I do have experience with tattoos.)

Even worse, what happens if the artist uses crappy ink or absolute worst-case scenario, the needle should be dirty? That child could be scarred for life before they are even old enough to vote. These are scary enough ramifications for an adult to face, but a child? I just don't think it's fair or appropriate. Kids have their entire adult lives ahead of them to make such decisions. Give them a decision they can handle and afford to screw up, something like: which will it be, Pepsi or Coke.

imbeingheldhostage said...

I was still making stupid decisions at 24, so I'm not sure what age is responsible enough for a tats choice, but it's certainly not before they are legally old enough to live on their own.

xxxx said...

that is inappropriate for a 12 and 15 year old to have tattoos.. honestly not even 18 is old enough but i guess at that age what can you say... they are not mature enough to make those decisions and when its done they have to live with that

xxxx said...

that is inappropriate for a 12 and 15 year old to have tattoos.. honestly not even 18 is old enough but i guess at that age what can you say... they are not mature enough to make those decisions and when its done they have to live with that

Freckle Face Girl said...

I've been thinking that you should be about 50 or 60 before you know exactly what you want tattooed on your body for the rest of your life. That is a pretty big decision for a 12 or 15 year old. I change my mind about things all the time.