Thursday, July 22, 2010

Someone Should Tell Corporate America That There Is A Recession

Here at Health Care Are Us where I work we were purchased by a giant in the industry about 3 years ago.

We got the ol' "You guys are great. We wanted an "IN" in the market so we bought you guys." speech. Fast forward 3 years later and we are still not fully integrated into the "new" company.

It was just announced that we were again bought out by apparently an even larger giant in the industry. Guess what. We had a Town Hall meeting to discuss this new merger and guess what they told us. "You guys are great. We wanted an "IN" in the market so we bought you guys." Seems I've heard this all before.

This larger behemoth bought us for over $5 billion dollars.

Apparently they didn't hear there was a recession out there.

I wonder if it's going to take another 3 years to complete this newest merger.

Oy Vey!

I have a funny feeling we'll be having this same conversation in another 3 years.

1 People saying stuff:

Senorita said...

And this is why I am so glad I work for a private firm.

My last job was like this. It kept buying companies. But at least you still have a job, they've been laying off people like crazy after buying the companies.