Monday, August 20, 2007

What is really going on?

You will not believe what happened this weekend. I am home relaxing, in the den doing some work on the computer Saturday evening when I hear a knock at my door. I get up from my desk and walk over to the door and ask, “Who is it?”

“It’s me, ‘D’.”

I had a look of total shock on my face. ‘D’ is my ex from last year. I hadn’t spoken to him since. I was both shocked and pissed off. I mean how dare he just show up at my house unannounced. He didn’t know my relationship status. If The Analyst was still living there he would have ripped ‘D’ a new one.

I open the door with my mouth agape trying to process his appearance at my door.

Me: “Well, what brings you by after all this time?” I hadn’t seen you in almost a year.”

He walks in and sits at the dining room table and proceeds to tell me about his whereabouts and what has been happening in his life since our break up. Nothing heavy.

He then proceeds to tell me how much he misses me and all this stuff.

WTF!!!?? Is there a full moon and I don’t know about it? Is this April Fools day and no one told me? What the hell is going on?

I’m still miffed that he showed up unannounced. If The Manager or Mr. Construction was there it would have been very awkward.

‘D’ can just hang it up…I have no room in my life for him. He is an ex for a reason.


26 People saying stuff:

Anonymous said...

so, I guess he didn't mention anything about his phone being cut off?

Why do people do that???

Sizzle said...

i hate when people come by unannounced. ugh.

laughing said...

"‘D’ can just hang it up…I have no room in my life for him. He is an ex for a reason."

You can do better than that. Give us all the dirt on this guy.

Make him jump through some hoops. Just how much does he miss you?

Rita said...

my ex fiancee still wants us to get back together... and i do agree to what you said: if he's an EX there is a reason behind that...

CapCity said...

again - with laughing@theslut - u keep "leading us on" Diva...what's UP with THAT!?
Anyway, why open the door? there's a reason for locks & u enjoy these scenarios more than you're letting on?

Vi said...

I had the TWICE in the last couple of weeks (not with ex boyfs though, ex friends!) It's so fucking annoying.

Young, Horny, and a Teacher said...

drama, drama-i would love some of that.

Organized Noise said...

I would have been tight if my ex showed up unannounced. She wouldn't have gotten past the door. You're good.

My-Conscience said...

Good! and don't sleep with him either... who the hell he thinks he is?

Ann(ie) said...

I am not a drop by fan to begin with, but a drop by ex???? ugh.

Brotha Buck said...

I'm just glad this story didn't end the way had predicted. Whew.

Tired of being broke said...

Maybe it is the New Yorker in me, but I lovesssss to look through my peep hole. You best believe that if I look through that peep hole and see an unannouced visitor, the door stays shut. An ex, whatttttttt, hell to the noooooo that makes it worse.

When I was with my ex, I always told him do not show up unanncounced. We were still together back then, but we did not live together. First time he showed up unannounced it was pouring outside, I did not buzz him into the building. I just let him stand there in the rain till he got the picture.

lisa q. said...

amen sister! what a butt! :P

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm new to your blog. I found it through ms. behaving.

Your ex has balls to just walk into your house like that.

DurtyMo said...

Let me find out!!! People asking why you opened the door? I mean come on, who would not have opened the door? If anything I'd just want to know what the hell he wanted but I digress. Dropping by unannounced is NOT COOL and like you said how he figure ya boo(s) *lol* wasn't there? Ugh!

CarmenSinCity said...

I agree! Showing up unannounced like that is wrong on so many levels. I NEVER do that to people. I don't understand what makes someone think that just "showing up" is a good idea.

Jenny! said...

So did you fuck him??? YOu know for old times sake? Just kidding, he got kicked ot the curb once...why is he coming around for another round?

Anonymous said...

I guess he missed the expression on your face......

Erica Ann Putis said...

I agree!! Showing up at your door unannounced is sooo wrong. He should have just texted you or something.

Freckle Face Girl said...

Now, that is a shock.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

Uh, YEAH he overstepped boundaries for sure!

I had the same thing happen with Chef last year if you remember but then I took him back. And now we are no longer together.

I felt kind of miffed that he put me in such a position but grateful to try it again and confirm that it wont work and knowing finally the reasons why.

Mizrepresent said...

Dayum, Dayum, Dayum! Where do these ex's com from? lol!

*Tanyetta* said...

I'm shocked you even opened the door. Everyone who knows me, know they betta not neva, eva, neva come to my house without calling first. LOL

Lucy Dee said...

Wow! That must've been awkward times 12!! I can't imagine.

Gosh, Diva! How could I have spent so much time away from your blog? I suppose I got lost on the way.

Hey, I have this three part series going on "Comedy as it relates to Sex". I think you would really love it. Stop by and let me know your opinion.

I have a lot of catching up to do, I see.

KIKI said...

I would've opened the door...TO CUSS HIS RUDE AZZ OUT!

But you done good...blah, blah, get the hell out!LOL

dmarks said...

The nerve of him! A phone call or email or letter would have been nice first, of course.