I can not believe some one, in this day and age, could be so ignorant and cold blooded. I can not describe how outraged I am after viewing this video.
I received this from a coworker who received it from a friend from her synagogue. Unbelievable.
Living Life In all Its Splendor
I can not believe some one, in this day and age, could be so ignorant and cold blooded. I can not describe how outraged I am after viewing this video.
I received this from a coworker who received it from a friend from her synagogue. Unbelievable.
Holy F'ing SHit, that is scary!!!
Sorry didn't mean to curse, but OMG!!!!
yea i saw this vid awhile ago. i pray that this is some kind of scare tactic and isnt real..if not God help us.
What the @(*@*#*@*@*@*#*$#*(@@(@(#@(#*#*#(*)(@@(#((#.
Karma is gonna zap him and harsh.
If that is for real -and I am assuming right now that it is -that has to be about the sickest thing I think I've heard of anyone doing! To deliberately infect not just one but HOW many and then, to make a video and broadcast it? Outrageously and horrible, simultaneously!
As sick as this video is, the really sad part to me is, what he says about women having sex so easily is true. I am speaking from personal experience, not pointing any fingers at any other woman. I have had unprotected sex way too soon in a relationship, before it can even be said that there is a relationship. This really gives women something to think aobut whether it is a hoax or not.
yeah... this has been floating around for a while. I really hope he did this as a scare tactic... and hasnt really been purposely infecting people with AIDS... if so he should burn in hell
I pray that this is some sorta really sick joke!! Either way, I am absolutely disgusted...
Yes, there are people like that out there...and there many who will watch, knowing who this bastard is and his precise location at this second and will not life a finger to turn his ass in or care that anyone is being hurt by him. I know, not a very good call on people, but after years in law enforcement and hearing "I didn't see anything" I have a right to be a bit bitter about my common man...thank God for every piece of pond scum like this one out there tho, there is someone who at this second is saving a life...does it all even out? Well, there are more of us than there are pond scum, so someone is doing something right.
I only watched a little bit of it. I hope it is a joke. A sick sick joke.
Kind of a personification of a reminder that promiscuity is very very very risky.
I want to agree with 1/3. But you know this is true girls/boys younger and younger are messing with sex and not being careful. I think this is a huge lesson, either teach about sex sex early or waiting before your married to have sex.
Sometimes it takes these crazy people doing these things for us...I don't even know what I am trying to say, I am so sickened right now.
I really hope that is a hoax. So NOT cool. One of those girls should know who he is, you would think.
That's shocking!!!
I'm with Charmcity that this sick bastard was correct about young women having sex way too soon...spreading their legs thinking it will get them that bling! Unfortunately, I dont think this is a hoax or scare tactic...there really are sick mo'foes who think like this.
But to intentionally infect someone with HIV? Are you serious?And to say that you're infecting a young lady to teach her a lesson about being permiscuous, then not tell her & allow her to spread it among the community...*dry heaving*...excuse me while I go hurl...cause this just makes me sick to my stomach...literally...
That guy needs his fucking skull bashed in...
It's bad enough he gave them AIDS but the teen ones? I'd kick his ass in a heartbeat...