Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Think I Might Like Coming To Work..Maybe

So, today I was taking my lunch planted in front of the TV watching my soaps which is my daily routine here at work. BTW, they CAN NOT kill Stehpanie off of Bold and the Beautiful. Not gonna happen. I will stage a revolt unlike any other they've seen. Oh yeah, back to my point...

As I was sitting in the lunch room minding my own business guess what I saw stroll in? Go ahead...guess. Something this company is seriously lacking. Eye candy!!! Yes!! Finally! This very attractive man waltzes in and I'm all like, "Helllooooooo!" and he's all "Hi." Ok Whatevs.

Hmmmm... I think coming to work will take on a whole new meaning from now on.

5 People saying stuff:

Sharon said...

Office romance leads to drama. I dated a guy where I worked before . . okay maybe I tried it twice. . anyway everyone was in the business. I hated being the office gossip (the second time around I guess).

JStar said...

LOL...well eye candy makes coming to work all the better...The only eye candy we have at work is married lol...I agree with the other commenter...Leave it at looking...Office affairs or relationships are hard.

DivaSoulSista said...

Yes, look but don't touch. HOWEVER ... looking can make the day go by a lot faster!

Jeni said...

EYE Candy -a very good, very nice thing. Be very cautious though and don't turn it into some other kind of candy cause it might melt down or get nasty, messy and all kinds of bad things can happen if you try to turn it into something else, ya know.

Caz Wilson said...

Hehe, work crushes are hilarious - will certainly give you something to look forward to now!
