Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I’m at the point now that I have to make some real decisions regarding The Manager and Mr. Construction.

Let’s start with Mr. Construction. I like him but it seems that the more I spend time with him the more I find certain habits that irritate me. For example, he and I decided to go to the movies over the weekend. We walked up to the box office and he ordered and paid for the tickets. No problem. We get to the refreshment counter to order drinks and popcorn and all that crap. He orders his stuff and pays for it. I don’t think you heard me….HE ORDERED HIS STUFF THEN PAID FOR IT. I’m standing there thinking to myself, ‘No he didn’t’. I have never had a guy do that to me on a date. After he gets his food I then order mine. He did give me the money to pay for it but still. He should have ordered our stuff together. That is what I’m used to. I have NEVER had a guy order his stuff then pay for it with out asking me what I wanted. That irritated the hell out of me. Maybe I’m making a big deal out of nothing but I am used to being treated a certain way and I will not compromise on that. I think he is not used to being a gentleman…. being chivalrous.

Then there is The Manager. He is really nice and tries to be very attentive. The problem is he is going through a divorce right now and I’m not sure how comfortable he is with the whole dating thing. He’s not very affectionate in public. I’m not sure if he is ready for a relationship right now. He tells me that this is a new thing for him. Maybe I should be patient and cut him some slack. I don’t know.

Maybe I should cut them both loose and just be on my own until the right one comes along. I am a very confused woman right now.

17 People saying stuff:

Joe said...

I can understand why the refreshments thing would bother you, Diva. To me, a gentleman is a gentleman all of the time. Chivalry is a matter of respect and I can't imagine doing something like that to SSC. It's not that she'd need me to pay for things, hold the door, etc, but she allows me to do those things because she knows that its one of the ways that I show how important she is to me.

Sizzle said...

this is just one of many reasons why dating blows. i think it is important to pay attention to these things- like manners and affection. maybe just see them both less for a time and give yourself space.

Single Ma said...

I dated a guy like Mr. Construction. I tried to overlook it, thought it was no big deal, it would get better after I expressed my thoughts and shared my expectations. *sigh* Needless to say, the same thing that irritates you when you're 'just dating' is usually the same thing that causes the break up years later.

re Mr.Manager: "he is going through a divorce..." That says it all. I wouldn't waste my time.

Don't worry hun, it takes a little while to find your diamond in the rough.

ElRanito said...

Maybe he just wanted to give you time to think about what you wanted? ;-) (and maybe I'm being too optimistic)

Vi said...

Keep your options open, still see them, but keep the eyes open for new talent.

lisa q. said...

yeah, that refreshments business doesn't sound right to me either...and if there are other irritating habits or red flags, now's the time to seriously consider letting him go...

as for the manager, if he is still in the process of divorce, chances are that he really isn't ready yet...

Freckle Face Girl said...

I would be miffed about the refreshment incident too. It is better to be with a guy that is a little more thoughtful.

Mr. Manager could just need some time. Don't date him exclusively, but perhaps it is a little early to shut the door on that relationship.

laughing said...

Is it possible that Mr. Construction thought that you were going to share the stuff, or that it was the teenager at the concession stand that made the mistake?

DurtyMo said...

Chile!!! All I can say is..PRAY PRAY PRAY for patience. I wouldn't cut them both off but I would definitely take the time and make sure not to make decisions when you're going thru emotionally. Give it some time and it will surely figure itself out. Trust me!

CarmenSinCity said...

Hmmmmmm - that's weird. Why would he order his own stuff and not even ask you what you want? That seems really odd. Does he do stuff like that all the time? Yeah, keep the options over and maybe start seeing someone new if the option comes along.

Marie said...

I would definitely keep your options open. Mr. Construction situation is just strange, especially since he still paid. As for Mr. Manager I would be wary. I have dated and known a lot of people to date guys that are “just getting divorced” and it turns out they are never ready without a little more time. It seems like they play this back and forth game where one minute they are ready, than the next they aren’t. Personally I think they don’t want to be alone, but at the same time don’t want to even start thinking about commitment again.

Anonymous said...

I vote for curtain #3!!!!!

JustMeWriting said...

Hey lady,

GIRLLL that's it for him...I didn't even finish reading past him paying for his stuff, that's just crazy,'ve got to keep it moving...NEXTTTT!

Ann(ie) said...

I agree with sizzle. It is important to pay attention to manners, etc. Watch for red flags, girl because if they bug you now they'll really bug you in a few years. Dating is exhausting!! Where's that damn knight on a white horse already????

Ms.Honey said...

Hmm I wonder why he did that...did you ask cause you know I will if you want me too LOL

Nah but for real it seems they are in different spaces and just might need a lil more "Dating" time..but going through a divorce involves more than just I'd leave the almost divorcee alone for a sec

Tired of being broke said...

Mr Manager has to go...that divorce thing is a no no.

Mr. Construction has potential and can be taught the little things.

CapCity said...

what's the verdict? i have no advice - just wanna hear how it turns out:-)...hope for the best!