Monday, June 23, 2008

I thought Water Was Supposed To Be Clear

Since the sudden blazing of my beloved home, I had decided that the bamboo plants we had would be better served sitting on my desk at work.

I notice this morning that I needed to water them so I would not be labeled a plant murderer. I couldn't live with that guilt. *straight face* I saunter over to the kitchen and fill 2 styrofoam cups with water. As I am filling said cups I notice that the water had a decided yellow tint. What the hell??!!

YUCK!!! Are humans supposed to drink that toxic sludge?

I guess they never heard of filters.

Thank God I'mma bottle water girl (The few times a year I actually drink water).

15 People saying stuff:

Lys said...

Ok - I think I'm going to never drink coffee or water at work *LOL*...

lisa q. said...

Ewwww!!! Nasty!!!

Karen said...

I even water my plants with bottled water. Well, the one inside anyway. And I use it in my iron. Tap water is scary.

Queen of the Mayhem said...

That sounds disgusting!!!!!!!!!

I like the bottle kind, myself!

CarmenSinCity said...

Our tap water is really gross too. I spend tons of money on bottle water because I drink a lot of freakin water!! It's worth it though. I'm just mad that my hair has to endure the tap water in the shower.

shorty said...

nothing wrong with tap water, when it's clear. We all grew up on tap water!

Think of all the money we waste/spend on bottled water a year.

I forget the exact figure in dollars per gallon , but it is ridiculous.

Have a great week. You have to water bamboo?? How frequently, doesn't that stuff spread like wildfire (no pun intended). It's like a cactus you only need to water it once a week, right?

Obviously, I don't do plants.

minijonb said...

we've got great tap water in my town. but, yeah, if it was yellow, i'd throw it out as well - smart call.

1/3 said...

wait are u serious? yea thank goodness all the water in my house has filters.

Eb the Celeb said...

yeah... i am bad at drinking water too unless it says vitamin in front of it on the

megabrooke said...

yikes! did you still give it to the plants?

Melissa said...

Oh yuck! I don't drink tap water, it's bottled water for me! I do drink quite a bit of water from work, but thankfully it's filtered there!

Sandi McBride said...

Yellow there's a picture I didn't need in my head as I sit drinking my first cup of tea!

dmarks said...

Times like this, you can hold up the glass of water to a bright light and squint and look for little "swimmies"

Moe Wanchuk said...

When I lived in Detroit, we had yellow water....It's great for the teeth...Now I look like like a hilbilly from Alabama

Just telling it like it is said...

A plant killer..Ha ha..that is funny..