The rules of the game are:
B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...
C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...
D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
**You get it?? --- You got it?? --- [GOOD] --- So here goes:**
1. I don’t know all the words to ANY song except two: The Fight Song from my junior high school and The Greatest Love of All (we sung that at our Junior High graduation) Hmmm… see a pattern there?
2. I get repulsed and pissed off when someone spits on the ground. ESPECIALLY right in front of me! YUCK!
3. I am trying really hard to find job/business where I can work from home and earn big cash.
4. I am completely different from all of my friends. I have no idea why they are my friends to tell you the truth.
5. I get bored really easily.
6. I am spoiled.
7. Most of my dreams actually come true.
I am tagging Lisa-40’s Singleness, Vi vi Voom, Emancipation of a Drama Queen, DC Speaks, Poker Girl