Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Life

My dating life has taken a rather interesting turn as of late.

You all know about Mr. Construction, The Manager and The Analyst. Well, The Manager is completely out of the picture now. I haven’t spoken to him in over a month now. It’s fine with me because as I’ve mentioned here before, I had concerns that he wasn’t really ready for a relationship anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I miss him a great deal because I liked him but I kept my heart on reserve to spare the pain of what was the inevitable so I’m just dandy. Miss him but I am just dandy. It was for the best.

Mr. Construction is also out of the picture. I also mentioned how he had certain habits that just irritated the crap out of me. I was willing to TRY and work through those bad habits but this weekend was the last straw. He stayed the night over on Friday night. We went to the movies, had dinner. All in all a pretty good night. The next morning we had to awake pretty early as the cable guy was scheduled to come between 7:00 and 9:00am. (I could not get the Oxygen channel on two of the three TV’s in my house. That so had to be corrected immediately.) Anyway, Mr. Construction replaces a light fixture on my porch while the cable guy does whatever cable guys do to fix stuff by running from my house to his truck then back to my house then back to his truck then back to my house and so forth. Mr. Construction finishes the light fixture soon after and walks into the house and announces that he was leaving. I asked him to at least stay until the cable guy was done just in case we need to help him move the large (and heavy) book cases and TV that were in front of one of the cable outlets. He tells me no, he has to go and then leaves. I just told him to go then and shut the door behind him. I was fuming. The cable guy would have been finished pretty soon. He could have stuck around for another half hour to help me out. I was furious. He called later that morning to see if in fact he would have been needed. I told him no we managed without him and he was gracious enough to tell me “I told you.” Great guy here. I hang up the phone with the resolution in my soul that I was done with him. I went to lunch with my best friend later that afternoon. Mr. Construction called during that lunch but I never heard the phone so I didn’t answer the call. Not that I would have anyway. Today is Wednesday and I have not called him nor have I heard from him since. Shows the strength of that relationship huh? LOL Oh well.

Then there is The Analyst. We broke up but still keep in touch very regularly. He was the one that took such good care of me when I had my recent surgery. He was a Godsend. Well he tells me this weekend that he wants to try and renew our previous relationship. Now when I heard these words from him I immediately teared up because I prayed for so long to hear those words come from him and there they were. Of all the men I’ve dated recently, none of them compared to The Analyst. None of them had the compassion, the caring, the polish that he has. There has always been a wonderful sense of warmth, comfort and completeness that I experience with The Analyst that I hadn’t with any other. I am also very scared as I do not want to get hurt again. We talked about my fears and concerns. He put them all to rest and I am really glad that we decided to slowly give this thing another chance. We’ll see how this thing goes but I am very hopeful at this time.

25 People saying stuff:

DurtyMo said...

*real big deep sigh* I love love...

shorty said...

Best of luck

Joe said...

If nothing else, you'd assume that Construction would have stayed so as not to leave you alone with a stranger.

Still, looks like things have worked out well. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

sounds very promising. For me, anyone who will help when you're sick and/or recovering from surgery gets an automatic bonus point. Bes of luck.

soumynona said...

While I am excited for you at the start of a new relationship I do raise a few eyebrows of concern for a friend - Sure it's been 4 days since you and construction have spoken but that's just 4 days. Not that that's too short a time to get rid of something but that is a short time between relationships or quasi-relationships. Analysts may be the right one but just make sure you take it slow for your own sanity sake and allow time for you to fall in love with you again!!


Karen said...

Sometimes, the second time is the charm. Clearly the Analyst cares about you and the kind of man who has the capacity to be a MAN. Good Luck!

*~*Cece*~* said...

Sounds like you're on cloud 9! I hope it works out for you two.

CarmenSinCity said...

Yay!!!!!! A renewal of the Analyst! You go girl. Have fun with him this weekend.

Fuck Mr. Construction, what a jerk!

Freckle Face Girl said...

I would have told Mr. Construction that I hurt my back trying to help the cable guy lift the shelves. :) I'm evil!

I hope it goes well with the Analyst.

Vi said...

Yay the analyst!!!!! Good luck girl!

Ms.Seven Supa Sized said...

Hope it works out

david mcmahon said...

We share your hope ...

Chari said...

AWWW! I will be praying for you!

lisa q. said...

hope it's all you want it to deserve happiness! :P

Elaine Leon said...

Dating is tough! Hang in there!

Terri said...

well good luck with Mr. Analyst. It does sound like you've got it bad for him.

*B* Fab said...

:-) wish you well and lots of love with The Analyst! It's hard to let someone that good to you go, glad you guys get to reconnect on that level.

minijonb said...

go have some fun with mr. analyst and don't worry about anything else.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

How nice to know and feel do definite about the two and to be happy about the one that remains!! Lovely! Construction sounds like Chef who always disappeared when it would have been nice to have him around for help or support. I learned to do everything on my own in that relationship. now I am learning how to let someone help me!

Jenny! said...

As long as you are hopefull going into it...then you never know! Stranger things have happended!

Monique said...

I have been wondering how things were going to shake out with your multi-men ... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the Analyst! He sounds like the best of the bunch.

Mizrepresent said...

Wow lady, still living vicariously through your life, wow! So, i think i'm gonna need to talk to you when i start dating, i men really know what i mean, lol!

Erica Ann Putis said...

That is so cool... I hope everything works out for you guys. :)

Anonymous said...

How do you keep them all straight? It's nice to see someone else gives nicknames based on their jobs. My current crush/guy is Cute Mailman.

Hang in there though, you'll find love when you're not looking!

Anonymous said...

isn't there some saying about letting something go and if it comes back to you it belongs to you?
