Alright my lovelies, you know what day it is! It's Wednesday so we have another installment of Ask Tee. Feel free to give your insight and thoughts on the readers question or my advice.
Letter #1
Dear Tee,
I live in a two bedroom apartment that I share with my roommate. She is wonderful and we get along great. We've been good friends for the past 6 years. The problem is her boyfriend Max.
Max came over the over night when my roomie wasn't there and waited for her to come home. I was in the kitchen and he was in the living room watching TV. All of a sudden he comes into the kitchen and starts coming on to me pretty strong. I tell him to leave me alone and put him in his place to which he backed down and went back into the living room.
My question to you is should I tell my roomie what her louse of a boyfriend did?
Want To Be Left Alone
My Answer:
Dear Want To Be Left Alone,
If you and your roommate are as close as you say then I would probably hold off on telling her just yet. Maybe your scolding of him has done the trick and he won't ever do this again.
The problem with telling a woman that her man is a lousy cheater is that without actual proof she will likely take his side and forgive him because she cares for him and it will put a rift in your relationship with her and that is not what you want. trust me, she will eventually see him for what he is and dump him on her own when she is ready.
If he comes on to you again then sit down and have a heart to heart with your roommate and let her know what has been happening but please prepare yourself that she may not believe you thus putting a strain on your friendship.
Good Luck.
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