Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Clearer Now

Today is my last day of vacation and it sucks. I've been off for the last six days and I have been having a ball with this free time. I could really get used to a life of luxury. With that said tomorrow I return to the land of the employed.

Usually after a vacation I'm ready to get back to work but not this time. I'm enjoying getting up at noon and staying in my PJ's all day. Eating all day. Yeah, this is the life.

I've been eating McDonald's, ice cream, pies, pasta, all kinds of goodies. Wait a minute....let's think about this for a minute. Since I've been home I've been eating like I've lost my mind. Maybe I do need to get my butt back to work and quick.

5 People saying stuff:

JStar said...

:) Yea, being off makes you lazy...

Queen-Size funny bone said...

going back to work is like dieting. lol

Just telling it like it is said...

Hey mamma you only live a piece of cake will ya!!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

:-) It's scary to think what awaits us in retirement don't you think? Like 30 extra pounds? ;-)
Glad you had a nice break.

Jeni said...

Not working anymore ya know does occasionally wreak havoc with my food intake -especially over a big holiday when I go all out and cook like there's no tomorrow. I actually did fairly well this year and didn't pig out on the 5 pies I made or with several turkey sandwiches unevenly spaced out throughout the day. But then too, I'm under conflicting doctor orders wherein one wants me to keep the weight moving down and the other gets nervous if I start dropping poundage (which I rather like the idea of the pounds disappearing, to be truthful.) But if you've been pigging out on all that stuff, maybe you best get back to work fast before you have to take out a small business loan to cover the costs of a whole new wardrobe. And yet, on the other hand, I kind of would like the idea of a whole new wardrobe too, wouldn't you?